The Veda says –शान्तिः औषधयः। शान्तिः वनस्पतयः। it means Trees and plants should stay peace. But how could they stay if man will destroy the nature, trees and forest animals. If trees will not live in the planet then how people live in this planet? Who will give us the most important Oxygen, Air and Water? Thus the great poet Kalidasa gave importance on trees in all his epics and plays. In his Abhijnanasakuntalam he describes a beautiful stanza that, how tree dedicate his life for the sake of society. Kalidasa says that, a king is like a tree. That is –
स्वसुखनिरभिलाषः खिद्यसे लोकहेतोः
प्रतिदिनमथवा ते वृत्तिरेवं विधैव।
ह्यनुभवति हि मूर्ध्ना पादपस्तीव्रमुष्णं
शमयति परिताप छायया संश्रितानाम्।। अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम् – 5.7
Each and every person should plant a tree in support of a sustainable future. In view of this aim and objective I have taken an oath in my life to work for the tree. Many of my publications and literary works along with lecturers are based on tress and forest. I have written a book “Vana Vaivhavam” which is a Sanskrit Poetry work. All the stanzas of this book are the descriptions of Forest and forest animals. It is translated in Odiya language too.